支招小作文(202) I 流程图 菠萝种植&加工过程
October 25, 2024 雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明 分享雅思考试小作文真题范文。支招植每一篇范文都经由专业团队反复校对,小作最终外教审查定稿。流程萝种朔州市某某制品有限责任公司成功就是图菠日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。 The diagram below shows the process of growing and preparing pineapples and pineapple products. 【主体段分段】: Body 1:菠萝生长过程 Body 2:用菠萝制作三种产品的加工流程 开头段 The diagram details steps by which pineapples are cultivated and processed for different purposes. 概述段 Overall, the harvesting of such fruits takes roughly one year.Ultimately, the fully-grown pineapples are made into 3 different products:fresh juice, canned fruit and exportable fruits. 思路要点: - 菠萝生长周期为大约一年 - 成熟菠萝被制作成三种产品:果汁、水果罐头、过程出口水果 Body paragraph 1 In terms ofthe growing procedure,we can see thatpineapple plants are grown with sufficient sunlight and warm temperature(23-30℃), and they are spaced 26 centimeters apart from each other.Whenthey pineapples are roughly seven months old, ethaline is added to the crop.After another 5 months, the are deemed ripe for harvest,at which pointthey should be 30 centimeters in height and 2 kilograms in weight. 思路要点:菠萝生长过程 - 需要充足阳光、支招植23-30℃ - 不同菠萝之间26cm间隔种植 - 7个月后,小作加入ethaline - 5个月后,流程萝种朔州市某某制品有限责任公司成熟(高30cm,图菠重2kg) Body paragraph 2 Regardingthe production process, harvested pineapples are washedbeforebeing sorted.Subsequently, they are divided into three groups with the smallest and medium-sized ones both having their tops sliced off and the rinds peeled.The formerare then processed into juice in an extractor,while the latterare cut into smaller bits and canned.However, the largest pineapples are treated differently.Afterbeing cleaned with eater, they are coated in wax to preserve their freshness.Finally, they are packed in crates and are loaded on freights for exportation. 思路要点:三种产品制作流程 - 分类前,加工先水洗菠萝 - 清洁后的过程菠萝分成小、中、支招植大三组 - 最小的小作菠萝→在extractor榨成汁,中号菠萝切成小块→制成罐头 - 最大的流程萝种菠萝:水洗→打蜡→保存在板条箱→装船以供出口 2024新航道秋季班选课指南 雅思 托福 A-Level AP OSSD SAT GRE GMAT 四六级 考研英语 成人英语 多邻国 PTE 留学预备 国际学校备考 留学申请 背景提升 不同冲分系列课程&不同班型课程 立即扫码咨询吧 开学季优惠提前享
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